Sir Simon Rattle
© Oliver Helbig

Sir Simon Rattle, conductor
Berlioz | Kidane | Ravel | Sibelius | Bartók

The genre of dance, complete with its variations and deconstructions is the theme of this concert by the London Symphony Orchestra under Sir Simon Rattle. The programme includes: the concert overture “Le Corsaire” by Hector Berlioz, whose vibrant character gives way to the rugged sounds of Daniel Kidane, whose “Sun Poem” is then followed by works from Maurice Ravel, Jean Sibelius and Béla Bartók.

Concert Programme

Hector Berlioz (1803 – 1869)
Le Corsaire
Overture for orchestra op. 21 (1844)

Daniel Kidane (*1986)
Sun Poem (2022)
Commissioned by the London Symphony Orchestra
German Premiere

Maurice Ravel (1875 – 1937)
La Valse – Poème chorégraphique (1919/20)

Jean Sibelius (1865 – 1957)
Symphony No. 7 in C major op. 105 (1918 – 24)

Béla Bartók (1881 – 1945)
The Miraculous Mandarin
Concert suite op. 19 (1918 – 24)


London Symphony Orchestra
Sir Simon Rattle

A Berliner Festspiele / Musikfest Berlin event