Two women and two men are sitting around a small table. The woman on the middle right has a microphone in her hand.
Audience discussion “Hamlet”

At the conclusion of the Theatertreffen, the Theatertreffen-jury and participants of the International Forum and the Theatertreffen-Blog will get together to look back at the festival.

What are the defining trends in the theatre and which of them were present at the Theatertreffen? Did any questions arise during the festival without being answered?


Eva Behrendt Culture journalist and juror Theatertreffen 2023
Janis El-Bira Culture journalist and juror Theatertreffen 2023
Valeria Heintges Culture journalist and juror Theatertreffen 2023
Klaudia Lagozinski Culture journalist and participant Theatertreffen-Blog 2023
Aurelia Kraus Theatre scientist and participant Theatertreffen-Blog 2023
Sabine Leucht Culture journalist and juror Theatertreffen 2023
Mercy Dorcas Otieno Actor and participant Internationales Forum 2023
Maike Müller Dramaturg and participant Internationales Forum 2023
Petra Paterno Culture journalist and juror Theatertreffen 2023
Katrin Ullmann Culture journalist and juror Theatertreffen 2023
Sascha Westphal Culture journalist and juror Theatertreffen 2023

Moderation Shirin Sojitrawalla and Michael Wolf