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Recording from 24 August 2024 by radio3

Available from 9 September 2024, 16:00 until 8 October 2024

98 min

Musikfest Berlin

In the opening concert the São Paulo Symphony Orchestra under Thierry Fischer demonstrates the broad range of art music from the many “Americas”: Charles Ives evokes New York’s Central Park, while Heitor Villa-Lobos explores the sound worlds of South American rhythms. The Argentinian composer Alberto Ginastera’s Violin Concerto is given a spectacular rendition by the Ukrainian violin virtuoso Roman Simovic. And in Edgard Varèse’s “Amériques”, the utopia of endless space finds sonic form.


Charles Ives (1874 – 1954)
Central Park in the Dark (1906, rev. ca. 1936)
for small orchestra

Alberto Ginastera (1916 – 1983)
Concerto for violin and orchestra (1963)

Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887 – 1959)
Uirapurú (1917 – 1934)
Symphonic poem for orchestra

Edgard Varèse (1883 – 1965)
Amériques (1918 – 1921, rev. 1927)
for large orchestra

Recording of the concert by